DJ16OT.4 Receive Mode: In this mode, the radio is silent until it receives the proper page tone sequence. At that point, it will beep in a fashion that is characteristic of either receipt of a group page or of a personal page. The tone for a group page consists of several dual beeps, with all beeps being of the SAME tone. eg: beep beep beep beep beep beep etc. The tone for a personal page consists of several dual beeps, but the two beeps within each dual beep are of different frequencies. eg: beep boop beep boop beep boop etc. NOTE: The radio behaves EXACTLY the SAME when in either G DSQ or GP DSQ modes when it is RECEIVING. The two modes (G DSQ and GP DSQ) differ ONLY in terms of what tones get transmitted when you push the [PTT] button!! I recommend you use only the G DSQ mode, for it is simpler to understand. But I will attempt to shed some light on the GP DSQ mode too. Group Paging: Receive: (Radio may be set to either G DSQ or GP DSQ) Radio must receive group code (1,2,3) followed by a star (*) at a minimum in order to produce the pager tone. If the radio receives ONLY the three digit group code followed by a star (1,2,3,*) it will give the group page beep, the "G" in the G DSQ of the display will flash, but "Err" will be shown in the main display because the personal code was not properly sent. If the radio receives a group code followed by a star followed by a personal code OR a group code followed by a star followed by a personal code followed by two stars (1,2,3,*,4) or (1,2,3,*,4,*,*) it will give the beep for receipt of a group page, the "G" on the display in the G DSQ will flash, AND, if you press [f] [DSQ set] the fifth digit displayed will be the personal code that was just received (4 in this case). If the unit was set for 123.4.5 in the DSQ SET mode, that display will be altered to 123.4.4 to reflect the fact it received a "4" as a personal code digit. After a page is received and the "G" in the display is flashing, pushing [V/M] button once will cause the G to stop flashing. Transmit: The DJ 160T must be in G DSQ mode to properly transmit a group page (not in GP DSQ mode). Pressing the [PTT] key will automatically send out the group code, followed by a star, followed by your personal code (fourth digit in the DSQ set display), followed by two stars (1,2,3,*,4,*,*). CONTINUED IN DJ16OT.5