FT901.3 15) Other changes (PB-1728A and other components): MIKE contact is changed to the KENWOOD circuit for 4pin connectors, such that it is possible to use same mikes for different rigs. CW-jack is rewired. One contact is KEY, while the other is PTT in/out. The ELBUG was removed, I like my own HB9ABO Keyer/Memory keyer better. A separate CW-high-speed board was installed (keyfilter and keyed IF amplifier). AM position is wired for CW-Wide (2.4kHz BW) for VHF/UHF CW (normal CW/- Aurora/Meteorscatter) where larger bandwidth is preferred. Perhaps someone else would prefer to have a switch to select between CW-Narrow/CW-Wide, the AMGC switch may be used for this purpose. 16) PB-1715 PA: TRANSVERTER RF OUTPUT. RF output level for transverters is far too high, this is reduced by connecting a capacitor in series with C02=10pf. I used 3P3 with 1000 ohms in series (the resistor is used to avoid parasitics). About 20mW is available on 10M. 17) PB-1717A RECT-C: +6V Regulator for RIT. OZ1HDA (with FT-901) and I (with FT-902-DM) have been troubled by VFO instantaneous instability, the +6V IC-regulator (Q01-TA7089) is sus- pected. I changed the +6v regulator with a 78L06 regulator and the problems seem to have disappeared. 18) PB-2154 RF-Unit: Forward conductance for Q03=J310 must be adjusted to 20mmho (20mS) for 50W mixer termination.The drain-current must be ca 20 mA. Correct value for R13 ca. 18 W, according to G4DGU, Chris (MUTEK). 19) Other changes: a) AGC improvement b) SSB tx level control c) BNC sockets for RX-input, TX(transverter) output.