IC2AT.1 icom 02at mod 140-163 mhz a. locate a copy of the june 1986 issue of 73 mag. a. locate a copy of the june 1986 issue of 73 mag. b. the article on pg. 60 is for models with id numbers lower than 35,000. if yours is one of the newer models like mine..... then follow these changes: 1. read the entire article b-4 doing anything!!! 2. follow steps 1 to 3 on pg. 61 "modify ur 02at" then s t o p ! refer to fig.2 on pg. 60 and remember the diodes on urs are in different locations than in the pix. 3. using a very small flat blade iron and some solder wick remove the the three leg diode d2 notice that the numbering for d1,d2,d3,d4 are off to the left of the actual location of the diodes on the board. 4. resolder d2 down in position d5 try to use the solder on the pads.. only add solder to the pads if absolutely necessary, b-4 you put the diode in place to avoid bridging. CONTINUED IN FILE IC2AT.2