From: (Ed Savage)
Subject: Re: PRO-46 Cellular Mod

In article <2j9kij$> writes:
>Has anyone modified their PRO-46 to unlock the Cell bands?  If so, which diode or diodes need to be excised?

Anyway, here are the Pro-46 mods...


Here is what I found for the Pro-46 mod 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Following modification is intended only to restore contin-
uous 760-1300 MHz coverage as originally provided by the design
of the PRO-46 Microprocessor.
         824-851, 869-896 MHz Freq Restoration :
Tools Required: Fine-tipped soldering iron, desoldering wick,
small Phillips screwdriver, small jeweler's type screwdriver,
long-nose pliers, rosin core solder.
(1) Remove the battery pack, battery door and Antenna.
(2) Remove the four black screws from the back of the radio,
    then push upward on the bottom of the rear of the case,
    carefully swinging it upwards and removing it.
(3) Carefully insert a small (jeweler's) screwdriver between
    the two boards next to the interconnect plug in the lower
    right coner. Gently pry the top board up to sparate it.
    and set it aside.
(4) Unsolder the copper-coated plastic shield from the
    microprocessor and set it aside. ( CAUTION : Too much
    heat will damage the shield ).
(5) Locate the two chip jumpers imprinted with "0" ,near the
    edge. carefully unsolder and remove both.
    Note: they are side-by-side below the microprocessor.
(6) Solder one chip jumper across the two uppermost unsed solder
    pads (Closest to microprocessor). Soldering a jumper across
    the lower two pads (futhurest down from microprocessor),
    changes the 30-50 Mhz low band to 68-88 Mhz for foreign
    use.  Note : Unused pads are almost straigth across from
    where the jumpers where originally installed.
(7) Reversse steps 1-4; the modification is now complete.
Edward Savage