!9"E1E:=2kMODEM ver 2.21 MODIFIED FOR M64-1 by the MINI-SYSTEMS CO 986-5828 $XXYY ͻ :]Hʫ GXO__:CwEwTDʦSVRVGIn terminal mode, Ctl-E to start SEND In terminal mode, Ctl-E to start RECEIVE A;LVʦ ;;[g_4͌ : :<2q:SR~qgʳAwLqʦ ʰʰ[4͌ w_[4wPQ Ͷ D2)_:~y͋> ͋:>?2h>2\³>C 01 D#öI #m :!]~ ++NO FILE NAME SPECIFIED++ $ ~? #++CAN'T USE WILD CARD OPTIONS++ $22:qAwaiting #:_: 4:ʼ2:¼ͬ ++Switching to CHECKSUM MODE++ >C2> 0 ͬ ^͈ږq7G::xXH rcvd, not SOH ͬ :<2':!:/o/> 4m ++UNABLE TO RECEIVE BLOCK ++ABORTING++$:l:++TIMEOUT++ :X-:ʓ7:ʤ:: 2MING ERROR++ :2RRUN ERROR++ : 2ITY ERROR++ :X-ͬ ^͈ږWͬ ^͈ږ/g:I:++BAD SECTOR # IN HDR z2>25!ͬ ^͈ږw,x:ʺQ2ͬ ^͈ږ:G:<ͬ ^͈ږ¼wʩ::++CRC ERROR++ |::++CKSUM ERROR++ |#0> :LSend # :X:X> 4> : :/ >25!~ ,l2y fz {  ͦ G:ʷxXH RCVD, NOT ACK :<2::o7CAN'T SEND SECTOR - ABORTING $:ʷTIMEOUT ON ACK ÷1Eͬ > MODEM PROGRAM CANCELLED q:<2:<2\<++FILE EXISTS, TYPE Y TO ERASE: L4-_Yq\\<++ERROR - CAN'T MAKE FILE ++DIRECTORY MUST BE FULL $2h2|\< CAN'T OPEN FILE$File open - Size: *>  (` H) sectors  G  |> {0 |X}X\<CAN'T CLOSE FILE$: *w#":ʻ = } >[ :G !  !">[ʳ ++OUT OF DISK SPACE++ Last :Ւo2g>  to #>  pages of memory buffer lost !!! < ++Unable to close file++ ó File was successfully closed. :=2 **":7G\ = ++FILE READ ERROR$! y >2y2!G"ö *!*":<2:OG\… ! R 2!G"| ++ERROR WRITING FILE __xGPg ³ ³ ° 7gW : 2z :2z :2_>O: : : W:7 :; :; zz>OgA z[:_ :ʈ Awaiting initial NAK or CRC request ͬ Cʜ È CRC request received 2*"E"P":>[:/21!" ENTER FILE NAME --> !6# > w# !6  !#Fx,##~:+T ~AsCs2##ʣ~.k # W Î #ʎ ~#ʎ ~#ʎ ~!~ ʣ>22< That file exists. Try another name  <  OUT OF DIRECTORY SPACE 2ø ASCII capture now activated ø*6}@#4zM{b xb!M<ʛ ASCII capture now off, file closed ø ERROR IN CLOSING FILE >[a{ :@_.,*[]++Invalid character in file name++ ++Null file name specified, ASCII capture not activated++ 2ø++Invalid drive specified, try again++ ++Can not specify filetype without a filename++ :_:/2]2 "! 6#G:1:RG:2:H:c Transfer complete ::w: Press RETURN to disconnect:L- q: ++DISCONNECTED++>Pc>nc>'c>'c!l\,2|2h     >( X>) _> 4> Oa j042MULTIPLE ERRORS ENCOUNTERED. TYPE Q TO QUIT, R TO RETRY: L4-_RQo~ # Press RETURN to continue: L  q *E~#,!"O*yO}o|g[|g}!oG">>*T]*|>ADEOQRSTVCO QUIT, R TO RETRY: L4-_RGo~ # Press RETURN to continue: L  q *E~#,!"O*-++'4' is an invalid MODEM command option++ Press RETURN for help, Ctl-C to exit: (T)erminal and (E)cho mode commands: Ctl-Y = Ascii capture enable/disable toggle Ctl-E = Exit to CP/M Ctl-D = Disconnect phone Ctl-P = Printer enable/disable toggle Format for command is: MODEM # Filename Where # is a 1 character primary option, which may be followed by sub-options, and by ".xxx" to set baud rate to xxx Primary Options: S to send a file R to receive a file T to act as a terminal E to act as a computer (echo data) D to disconnect the phone H to print this help file Secondary options: A answer mode O originate mode D disconnect after execution T go to terminal mode after file xfer E go to echo mode after file xfer Q quiet mode - no status msgs R show chars received S show chars sent V view file sent/received (no status) C use cyclic redundancy check for file xfers For examples, type: MODEM X Send file, originate mode, 300 baud: MODEM SO fn.ft Send another file: MODEM S fn/ft Then send a third file at 450 baud and disconnect: MODEM SD.450 fn.ft Act as a terminal, originate mode, at 110 baud: MODEM TO.110 (Use ctl-D to disconnect) Receive file, answer mode, view it, 600 baud: MODEM RAV.600 fn.ft Receive file, use cyclic redundancy check, 600 baud: MODEM RC.600 fn,ft Turn printer mode on/off in terminal or echo mode: ^P (printer now toggled) Turn on ascii capture mode: ^Y FILE NAME --> b:test.doc [CR] (file now open) Turn off ascii capture mode: ^Y (ascii capture disabled, file closed)