17 Feb 90 A lot of new things have been going on recently with the Shoebox. Thanks to the efforts of Dave Brown and Fred Scipione we have a new BIOS. I have been testing some of the new Z-System software on it. Here's a brief rundown: BIOS - v2.9 cures the IX/IY register bug that caused any number of problems. It also adds a C: phantom drive, improved typeahead buffer scheme, and a BIOS-tick clock. There's probably more but basically all known limitations and bugs have been fixed. DOSDisk - from Plu$Perfect, adds the capability of reading/writing 360K MS-DOS disks complete with individual file access and Sub-Dirs. Unlike other seemingly similar programs, with DosDisk you can ignore the fact the disk is MSDOS and just work on it like it was CP/M. Loads as a small RSX. I'm working with P$P to make this available as a standard version. ZSDOS - a vastly improved BDOS replacement. Adds timekeeping and date stamping. Works with new BIOS-tick clock. NZCOM - the auto-install ZCPR system. Change system configs on the fly. All the great Z utilties work with it. When used with ZSDOS you can use TEX the time scheduler and have timed execution. ZCPR34 - I have the source code for Z34 and have tested various combos successfully on the 'box. Many variants come with NZCOM including time-in-prompt if you have ZSDOS. For more information contact me via: Jim Lill =>the Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863