Pinnacle Hill TV Tower Info Page

Background and impact on residents:

There is action before the Brighton NY Planning Board to allow the addition of a new Digital TV tower on Pinnacle Hill by American Tower. As of mid-summer 2001, there is still a concern about RFI and who will pay to remedy any new interference problems residents will have when the tower and 5 new TV transmitters go into service before May 2002. Many of us, particularly those near Pinnacle Hill, already have some type of interference issue, often as simple as poor TV reception. The addition of the tower is just the start of the DTV roll-out. By May 2002, there'll be more stations on the hill. Logically, it would seem that there would be a greater risk of interference.

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This Webpage is authored, owned, and provided as a free Public Service by Jim Lill
Last Modified on September 16, 2001
This page has been visited Counter times since 1 May 2001

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